Does your work matter to God?
At The Center For Faith And Work, we think it does. Find out how you can transform your corner of the world.
The Center For Faith And Work engages those who are at work in the world to practice love, and dare to change their corner of the world through their work.
Our Work
The Center for Faith & Work St. Louis is a ministry focused on engaging the world through a biblical understanding of work and vocation. With cohorts of industry leaders, we seek to transform the workplace for God’s glory and our neighbors’ good. Our focus is to impel change, letting the gospel direct that effort.
The Team
We train and equip leaders across all disciplines to think biblically about their work and challenge them to serve faithfully, practice love and justice in their work, and dare to change their corner of the world in the place where God has given them gifts.
We also train and coach pastors to equip kingdom-minded leaders in their particular congregations.
Get Involved
Our ministry focuses on project-driven, discussion-oriented Fellows Program. This eight-week intensive training program builds on a biblical understanding of work to equip faithful service across all disciplines.